Sunday, November 2, 2014

October Overview 3/3

 Guess who got a job working as a receptionist at Scheels? This girl!

 Here are the kids posing for a pic at Scheels (while I'm upstairs interviewing and getting the job!).

 This is Harlie Jo at her joy school the other day. (All the moms take turns teaching each week and this was taken at one of the other moms' houses).

 This is Harlie Jo painting her pumpkin at her joy school Halloween party. 

 This is Riv and Lucy (our neighbor friend who was born one day after Riv) playing while the joy school kids do their joy school thing. 

 Here's Harlie Jo (and Emrie in the background) playing candy corn bingo for their party, which was a super cute game.

Here's most of the rest of the class playing too. 

 We also had dancing time at the joy school Halloween party. It was so fun to watch how the kids dance.

 Her snack was a scary spider made of bananas, butterscotch chips, and pretzel sticks.

Snack smiles for mom's camera phone... :)

 And here's Kailyn's preschool about to sing some Halloween songs for their Halloween party. I'm super sad because my phone picked that moment to run out of storage space for more pictures or videos. Either way, it was way cute. I also never knew that many Halloween songs even existed. They did great, though. 

Here's when we started actual Halloween. We began with orange jack-o-lantern pancakes with chocolate chip faces. 

Then we spent most of the rest of the day being normal and waiting to dress up.

 I don't like dressing up in costumes but I did decide to at least look a little festive. See, all the orange and black? I was totally into Halloween, it counts...

Here are my two crazy-haired girls. Rapunzel and Anna (from Frozen).

And this is the best (and only) picture I remembered to snap of River. He's Frankenstein. He did awesome, by the way. He stayed in the stroller and pretty much just drank his bottle and then later sucked on some lollipops (which he loves, apparently).

 Here's Kailyn with her neighbor friend, Mia (Elsa, from Frozen).

 And here's the whole group of kids (minus Harlie Jo who was still getting her wig situated while this was taken). Jacob, Bradley, (Nichole the skeleton in the back), Kailyn, Ava, Brigham, Mia, and Spencer. (Lucy is behind Brigham facing the other way and River was still getting into his costume too).

 And here's one with Harlie Jo and minus Jacob and Bradley. (They were probably antsy to get going!)

Here's Ava, Kailyn, and Mia, and a couple girls from the ward. One of the ladies in our ward took pictures of all the kids that came to her house, which was fun.

And here's Spencer, Brigham facing Harlie Jo, and some more kids from the ward. That Ninja Turtle in the front right is the Bishop's daughter and if you saw her and Harlie Jo side by side, not wearing makeup, you'd think they were twins (except that they're a couple years apart in age). It's kinda crazy though. 

And here are the girls with their haul. To finish out the night, we watched Nightmare Before Christmas.

And that was our Halloween. The kids made it to way more houses this year than they did last year, it was really impressive. In fact, I was feeling done way before they were. They had a great time. Except for when Kailyn fell towards the end and skinned both her knees and was miserable for the next couple of days. She did well with that too though. 

Anyway, Happy Halloween and I can't wait till there's no more candy cuz these kids are CRAZY when they're all hopped up on sugar (and yes, I'm monitoring their consumption now, but I wasn't on Halloween)!


Ilene Strong said...

I loved looking at every picture and reading every caption. I just love those cute grand kids and their momma and daddy. Thanks for sharing your life.

Debbie said...

Ooh, your hair does look pretty. Nice festive outfit.