Sunday, November 2, 2014

October Overview 2/3


 On the cow trailer train thing. 

 Playing in the corn.

At the pumpkin patch.
 Playing in the corn again.

 If you look closely, you can see some corn heading down Harlie Jo's pants. There was a lot more down there that isn't pictured... haha.

 Making silly faces. 

This is the pumpkin patch again. It's the same one, but actually a different event. We went with Harlie Jo's joy school. 

And this is the event called "chopping off 14" of my hair"

 I did donate it, in case you're wondering. 

 Here's my hair after having gotten it dyed, re-dyed, and re-dyed one last time. (The ombre kept looking bad so I had the girl redo and it wasn't better so I went to a different girl. I am pleased with it now, though.)

So yep, those are some more pictures. :)

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