Sunday, September 28, 2014

Playing Catch Up Really Quick- Part 1/3

Oops, missed a month of posting real quick. Here are a few things we did in late Aug/most of Sept. 

Garrett played volleyball with some other men in our stake. I love seeing how athletic he is since that is so not me. 

 Check out this jump shot.

We also went to a work function of Garrett's at this fancy church building up Big Cottonwood Canyon. They had a meeting, games, and yummy food. It was really fun. (Except when poor Kailynny got another bloody nose during it. She went through a little phase where she got like 4 bloody noses in one week. It was really sad. She said she wasn't picking it and she didn't get hit, but that it would just start. Weird and sad.)
This is a minute-to-win-it toilet paper roll game where they had to get the most rolls inside the target box to win. We did not win. :(

 Sweet River slept on the stage while we socialized.

And I take selfies at events bc I'm usually the family photographer so usually no one else will do it for me.  And I'm part of the family too, darn it. Especially when I actually bother to do my hair and wear makeup... :)

We went on another family "adventure". That word is supposed to mean we went on a hike only we decided to be a little lame and walk around a path at this park we'd never been to. And a hike is pretty much just a walk anyway, right???

 This is the "classy" sign indicating which park we went to. And I'm guessing someone stole the "y." 

My girls also started dance. Kailyn did it last year but now Harlie Jo is in her class too. 

 Parents got invited to the first class so here they are, doing what they do. 

So that's a little of what we did. More to come! :)

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