Sunday, August 10, 2014

Potty Training, Solids, and Hair, Oh My!

This week was lovely. Here's a glimpse:

 So this summer I have been so hot (as most people are during hot summers). But I have been wanting something else to wear that's cool, besides shorts (since I can't find any anywhere!). So I went out and bought a few knit pencil skirts to wear casually. And this is me modeling one. 

 Also, this was a big week for River! He started eating solid foods for the first time, AND he did awesome! Not to offend any of my other children, but I think feeding River was the best first time feeding a baby that I've ever had. He just opened his mouth easily like a little hungry guy and swallowed and ended up eating the entire container of sweet potatoes (when all the websites say not to get your hopes up because they might only eat 2 spoonfuls the first time). Anyway, he's a rockstar. 

 And this was a sad picture for me to take. But, I'll tell you the story anyway. So Kailyn does an online preschool called Upstart that she just started about 2 or 3 weeks ago. The main thing it will do is teach her to read (which is awesome for a 4 year-old who's not even in kindergarten yet) but it also teaches her a little math and science. Anyway, she usually catches on pretty quick, but there are just some things she hasn't learned yet (thus the reason we are doing the program at all) and she doesn't always get all the questions right. This was her sad reaction (she is crying, in case you can't tell) to only getting 3 out of 5 answers right. She said that the game telling her that "really hurt her feelings". It was so cute and sad. She may turn into a little overachiever... 

 And this was me experimenting on Harlie Jo, my Topsy Tails. (They always ask me to take pictures so they can see them too). 

 And here's the same hairstyle on Kailyn. 

 And here's the same hairstyle on both Harlie Jo AND Kailyn. (I rarely have them dressed with their hair done at the same time so I have to capture the moments that I do!) Plus it's a cute sister pic. 

 And we got to see a really pretty rainbow this week after it rained. The pictures are never as pretty as the real life version, though, right?!

 And this little guy turned 6 months old this week! On the 5th. At his checkup, he was in the 4th% for weight, at 14.5lbs (which may not sound like much to some people but coming from the less than 1st percentile a couple months ago, this was awesome because he's growing). He's also in the 34th for height and 14th for head circumference. I'll make an announcement soon for him that will have more details on it. But he's a rockstar.

And here's a little transcript of Kailyn's First Talk in Primary EVER! (since you aren't supposed to take pictures at church, at least according to Garretty) I whispered it into her ear and she said it into the microphone. She didn't seem nervous and she didn't stammer or talk too quietly or get shy or anything. She did awesome. My sweet little girl is getting so big!

And another thing that happened this week, that I don't really have a picture of, is we started potty training Harlie Jo (FINALLY)! She kept kinda resisting and the couple of times we tried in the past, she only had accidents and never actually went on the potty so I kept deciding I wasn't ready to clean up extra bodily fluid if I didn't have to. But, she has started now, probably about 5 days ago, and she has done really well! The first day was pretty shaky, like 3 accidents and maybe 1 actual potty time. And the next day was slightly better, but not enough that I was convinced it was really working. We didn't quit though and it finally seemed to click with her! Yesterday for example, she went on the potty like 3 or 4 times, and one of the times, she thought she was all done and it turned out she wasn't so she had a little accident directly after going one of the times. But that was still a really good day! And today, she snuck (I know that's not a word but sneaked sounds stupid so I'm not saying it) out of sacrament and when we went to go find her, Garrett heard a toilet flush and out walks Harlie from the men's bathroom saying, "Daddy, I went peep on the potty!" She loves her big girl panties and I am happy that it finally seems to be working! Now I don't have as much stress about her starting a dance class and preschool because she won't be in diapers anymore, yay!

Garrett and I also cleaned the temple this week for our first times. We went on separate nights (so we could take turns staying home with the kids) but it was really cool. I had never seen so much of the temple before. And they like deep clean it every night so it's not super rewarding that way (like after mopping this big section the water was kind of cloudy white) but it was really neat. It's a special place.

Oh yeah, one more thing. Garrett's dreaded mustache. is. back. Gross. I love him still (obviously) but I don't love that little patch of growth above his lip. I wouldn't mind if he could grow like a beard with it because I think it would actually look pretty cute and much less pedophiley, but working for the Church, the mustache is all he's allowed to have so he keeps doing it. I hope he gets it out of his system or something so we can finally be done, but I just don't know that he will. Ah, first world spouse-working-for-the-Church problems. 

Ok, this was kind of a long post. But if you made it here, way to go. And well done because this is the end. :)


Sunni said...

Did you ever see that Gilmore girls where Richard grew a moustache (maybe after his mom died or Somthing) and Emily is shopping for him. She's all like, " I need the nicest moustache comb you have and an assortment of jewelry a man with a moustache would wear, like pinky rings. " She hated his too. Buy him a pinky ring.

Kasey Strong said...

Haha, pinky rings. That's awesome. I should buy him one. And I don't think I saw that episode. There are a lot I didn't see. And a lot I did. But also a lot I didn't. He told me his motto for his mustache is, there's a fine line between creepy and awesome. I think that's very accurate.

Sunni said...

I can tell you when (season /episode) it was if you want. I own them all. If I knew how to upload videos I totally would send it to you.

Sunni said...

Norm is about to take his facial hair down to a moustache. I don't approve. Or take it all off. I don't like it on him, a clean shaven face. He looks better with it.

Debbie said...

Love the sacrament potty story. That was pretty cute. And good job on the hair! You are like a professional. Little girls stringy, fine hair is really hard to work with. Cool.