Sunday, August 10, 2014

Flashback Post: June 23, 2014- The Natural Museum of Curiosity

Here are a couple pictures from when we went to the Natural Museum of Curiosity. Garrett's sister, Steph, came to town and this was one of the activities we did while she was here. We had never been to this museum and it has had a ton of hype. 

 In one part of the museum, they had a whole water play section. This was a big funnel-type thing that Kailyn enjoyed, especially. 

And here's Harlie Jo playing with these pipes that you can open and stop with the knobs. She was having a blast.

There were lots of other sections to the museum but until we got to the water area, apparently I didn't remember to take any pictures!

They had this big Lego room where kids could build enormous towers and put plastic puzzle pieces together. And they had a little town with banks and libraries that the kids could run all over. They also just had a big play area with slides and things to climb on. (That part was kind of terrifying because since this place is so popular, there were a MILLION people there, all trying to keep track of their kids, and it was almost impossible to do. I think I lost all my children at one point... Scary.)

Anyway, it was pretty cool. Like, it actually seems super super fun to play at and explore, just hopefully some of the traffic dies down soon so you can do it without fear of losing your kids!

Anyway, it was a fun little family activity. :)

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