Sunday, August 10, 2014

Flashback Post: 4th of July, 2014

So I have decided I will do occasional Flashback posts in order to try to catch up on these last 3 years. So here we go, back to the 4th of July, 2014.

Apparently they do this every year, but this is the first time we have been to our ward's 4th of July celebration. It's not actually put on by the ward, so it's really more of a neighborhood thing, but either way, we went. 

 Here's Harlie Jo in her cute lil swim suit (that matches Kailyn's. And they chose to match, btw, not me) They had a couple slip and slides so we all brought baby shampoo to help make it slicker. Harlie did not go down any, but Kailyn did. She kinda walked down it and then scooted on her hands and knees the rest of the way, but who's counting. They were cute and had fun. 

 This part was super cool. One of our bishopric members brought his HORSE for all the kids to ride on if they wanted! It was so cool. Neither of my girls had ever ridden a horse before so it was really neat. They did great. (It was me, in fact, who was paranoid and hovering the whole time to make sure they didn't fall off and get trampled on...)

 I'm really impressed with this picture of us because Kailyn actually took it of us with my phone. I didn't crop it or anything. She's got a pretty steady hand, huh?

So after we went to the morning/afternoon 4th of July festivities, we went home and ate lunch and napped. Then afterwards, we decided to go over to this big park nearby where the city projects a movie (it was the Lego Movie) onto this big wall for everyone to watch. There was an emcee guy hosting and they played a couple songs (like the YMCA and the Macarena) and then they had a big fireworks show. It was really fun and all of our kids did really really well. We got home at like 11 at night, and that is EXTREMELY late for our kidlets. 

Anyway, it was a really fun day and I'm glad that we didn't just sit and home bored all day! Yay for freedom and living in such a great country!

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