Sunday, September 28, 2014

Playing Catch Up Really Quick Part 3/3

We also went to go visit Carol a couple weeks ago. 
 Here are the girls playing on the slip 'n' slide with Kohen. Their house is super fun. They also have a sandbox, bikes and trikes, and lots of balls and other fun toys. 

 Here's me doing the selfie thing w Riv so I can make sure that we are documented as existing during this outing as well... :)

And I got some new running shoes!
 My shoes actually have a fun story. So Garrett and I started running a couple weeks ago. We decided we'd reward ourselves with some new shoes at the end of September, as motivation to run more. We set aside some money and were waiting until we were sure we'd keep up our new habit for a bit before buying a new thing for it. Then a few days ago, I was getting ready for my run and I couldn't find my right shoe ANYWHERE. Both Garrett and I checked everywhere we could think of, including outside, under couches, on all 3 floors, in toy bins, etc. We also asked the girls and they hadn't seen it either. So we decided to buy some new shoes that day, earlier than we'd originally planned. Then a couple days later, I found my shoe in a cabinet in the living room. Thanks Harlie Jo, for executing an early present for my feet! (Garrett got a pair too, also neon green. With black accents tho, instead of blue.)

The other day we were visiting with our neighbors (while we waited for Garrett to get back with the pizza that would feed our families). This is Riv's little girlfriend, Lucy, who was born the day after him but who also used to make River look like a runt. He's finally caught up, and maybe her growth has slowed a bit too, but check it out, they kinda look like the same age now!
 Yay for litte chunka babies. 

We also got invited to Gramma's school carnival this past weekend. It was really fun. We got Waffle Love (which I am obsessed with) and some Teriyaki Chicken and snow cones. Then we got rained out pretty good, with lightening and thunder and stuff. Luckily my mother-in-law is the principal of the school so we had the hookup and got to eat in the teacher's lounge (shhhh!) (also, don't worry, Ilene, my blog is private and the only people who can read it are immediate family members and a couple pretty much family members) while everyone else had to tough out the rain.   
 Here she is holding my little KKK baby (because of his pointy hood, see?). And this pic I snapped was completely candid and I love it. 

And after the rain stopped, we headed back out and here's both girls having fun going down the bouncy house slide like 5 million times. 

Thanks for all the fun, everyone!

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