Sunday, August 17, 2014

Silver Lake (Brighton) Adventure

We went on another family adventure this weekend. We went up Big Cottonwood Canyon to Silver Lake (not to be confused with the Silver Lake up American Fork Canyon). It was SO FUN! They just had a little boardwalk around the whole lake that you walk around. I always search "family-friendly hikes" when I'm looking for options but I'm not sure you can even call this a hike. We even took our strollers, it was that mild. It takes like 30 min to walk around the whole thing, but usually longer if you stop at all (which, of course, we do). 

 I like to take a picture of the sign so I can know where I went; I know this picture is not super aesthetically pleasing... :)

 Here's the boardwalk. The grass on the edges is actually marshy and helps filter the water (since this is a watershed for drinking water).

 And here's us on a little dock out on the lake. So pretty, right?

 Here's the girls playing with the ducks.
Kailyn: Mom, did you bring bread this time so we could feed the ducks?
Me: No, I didn't know there would be ducks here.
Kailyn: (in a very whiny and judgy voice) Mooooommm, you should have thought that there might be ducks here and brought bread, ugh...

She's a little stinker. 

 Oh yeah, this guy was with us too.

 They had a fun little foresty part where the girls were climbing on logs and stuff. It was very shady and pleasant, but because it was so shady, I couldn't see my phone well enough and I assumed that this picture turned out well. It's kinda silly-looking but I envisioned that she was looking straight up into the camera looking all innocent and cute. So just pretend that's what this picture looks like. 

 I also thought a picture of Kailyn looking at her daddy's phone camera would look cute, and it's alright, but I should have had her look at mine too. Either way, it was a fun little forest area where they climbed on all the trees and logs lying down. It was cool.

 Just thought this was a gorgeous view. 

 This too. Utah is so pretty, huh?! I can't believe I thought it was ugly the first time I came. I think it's so beautiful. 

 We looked up the meadow next to us and saw a deer with her two baby fawns right there! They were a lot easier to see in person. It was cool to just be out in the wild and see them there too. 

 Do you see the MOOSE in this picture??? There were 2 moose just wading around in the lake eating the grassy stuff in the water. It was crazy. None of us had ever seen a moose before and they were really close! (We got closer than this pic, but I was too afraid to take a picture when we were closer...) They were huge! And they tell you not to get too close to them because they could trample you to death! Crazy. It kinda made me feel like Bullwinkle was deceiving me by being all stick-figure like since in person they are bulky and huge and kinda scary! Either way, it was really cool. 

And I took a panoramic shot too but it's showing up way smaller than it does on my phone. If you look SUPER closely, you can kinda see a tiny black speck towards the left where the moose was, and then Garrett and a kid or two on the right.

Anyway, such a fun trip! It was awesome to be able to bring our strollers, have such a nice little walk, and be able to see so much wildlife. Moose, deer, ducks, fish, squirrels, birds. It was really cool.

So that's our review of our most recent family adventure. Lovely. 

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Your panaoramic turned out pretty cool. That looked like a fun hike. Oliver never liked mashed peas. He made those same faces, but he like them now sort of.